




Podemos definir la artesanía[] como el trabajo y las creaciones que han sido realizadas por los artesanos. Este profesional es la persona que lleva a cabo trabajos manuales. El trabajo del que hablamos es un tipo de arte en el que se usan las manos, fundamentalmente.

' La persona que lleva a cabo trabajos manuales : ARTESANO'

¿Quién es UN ARTESANO?

El artesano se ha convertido en la persona que realiza objetos artesanales o artesanía. Estos empleados llevan a cabo su trabajo con diversos instrumentos propios y a mano. Es por este motivo que se debe tener cierta habilidad y destreza en el desempeño de su empleo. Los artesanos pueden ejercer sus actividades en solitario o junto a más personas que le ayuden o sean aprendices. Este tipo de producción suele ser realizada en comunidades o pequeños talleres familiares. Para conseguir el resultado deseado se hace uso de elementos reciclables o materias primas que sean naturales, evitando en la medida de lo posible los productos químicos e industriales.

¿Cuáles son las características de la artesanía y su producción?

La principal característica de la producción artesanal es que se suele realizar de forma manual. Cuando es necesario se emplean determinadas máquinas simples o herramientas. Además, el tiempo invertido en crear esos productos es mayor, teniendo como resultado unas piezas únicas y originales. Todo esto le da mayor valor simbólico y artístico a la producción.

¿En qué consiste el proceso de producción artesanal?

En primer lugar, la producción artesanal suele comenzar eligiendo las materias primas que se van a usar. Entre las más utilizadas se encuentran: cuero, piedras, arcilla, madera, aluminio y la plata. Para continuar, según el material se trabaja a mano o se requiere de determinadas operaciones técnicas, como la exposición a temperaturas elevadas. Otra de las partes del proceso es conocida como una ventaja. Nos referimos a la poca inversión necesaria y la gran calidad de los objetos terminados. Hay que añadir que tienen un sello personal único, ya que cada pieza es diferente. Estos productos destacan por ser más creativos, ajustables a los mercados pequeños y el gran valor estético.


    Entre las variadas técnicas o profesiones que se conocen de producción artesanal, podemos destacar :
      Carpintería: en este trabajo se trabaja la madera y los derivados de la misma para la fabricación de productos.
      Alfarería: es el arte de llevar a cabo vasijas y otro tipo de objetos que han sido creados con barro cocido.
      Orfebrería: se conoce como un proceso en el que se labran objetos artísticos de metales preciosos o aleaciones de los mismos.
      Bordado: como ya sabrás, este tipo de profesión artesanal consiste en llevar a cabo ornamentaciones. Se realizan en una superficie flexible que suele ser de tela.
      Bisutería: en este caso se desarrollan productos de adorno que tienen la función de imitar joyas. Se emplean materiales no preciosos.
      Talabartería: en esta técnica se realizan talabartes y otros objetos de cuero.
      Cerámica: esta profesión se especializa en el arte de hacer vasijas y otros elementos con arcilla, porcelana o loza a través del calor.
      Ebanistería: se trabaja con el ébano y otra clase de maderas finas para llevar a cabo la construcción de muebles con calidad y otros objetos.
      Herrería: se labran objetos mediante el aluminio y el hierro.
      Guitarrero: se hacen guitarras, comenzando con el diseño, la construcción y el afinamiento.


El oficio artesanal es el corazón de las pymes y el motor económico de Alemania. Con su amplia oferta de bienes y servicios, crea productos de alta calidad y soluciones a problemas individuales gracias a su proximidad a los clientes. El sector de los oficios artesanales no solo está dirigido a particulares, sino también a la industria, el comercio y el sector público.
    El oficio artesanal también es muy versátil e incluye las siguientes áreas:
      Construcción y ampliación
      Metalurgia y electricidad
      Madera y plástico
      Limpieza de edificios
      Sector alimentario artesanal
      Sector de la salud y el cuidado artesanal del cuerpo
      Sector artesanal de la confección, los textiles y la piel
      Artes gráficas

Título de maestro artesano

Si usted ha aprendido un oficio artesanal, también puede seguir formándose para convertirse en maestro artesano o maestra artesana en Alemania. En Alemania, el título de maestro artesano o de maestra artesana es un título de formación continua reconocido por el Estado y un signo de calidad para los profesionales con tareas directivas. Especialmente en el caso de los oficios artesanales sujetos a una aprobación, a menudo se necesita un título de maestro artesano para montar un negocio. Consulte en el Código sobre Artesanos cuáles oficios están sujetos a una aprobación.


Si tienes experiencia como artesano y artesano estás de enhorabuena. Se buscan sus habilidades en Canadá y puede inmigrar a través de la Visa Federal de Trabajo Calificado, la Visa Federal de Oficios Calificados, en el camino de la Clase de Experiencia de Canadá o en un Programa de Nominación Provincial.
Los artesanos están en la Lista de Clasificación Nacional de Ocupaciones (NOC) de Canadá bajo el código 5244 y son elegibles para mudarse a Canadá. A pesar de que muchos artesanos emigraron a Canadá en los últimos años, los artesanos todavía tienen una gran demanda en todo Canadá, tanto a nivel nacional como provincial.

Canadá reconoce que en otros países los artesanos están empleados bajo diferentes puestos y títulos de trabajo. Por lo tanto,

    Canadá lo clasificará como artesano si su título de trabajo actual es el de:
      Tallador de arte aborigen
      Instructor de artesanía aborigen
      Prensador de flores artificiales
      Diseñador de ramo artístico
      Arreglador floral artístico
      Diseñador de ramo floral artístico
      Diseñador floral artístico
      Maestro de artes y oficios (excepto educación)
      Fabricante de bolsas - artes y manualidades
      Fabricante de Balalaika
      Tejedor de cestas
      Artesano batik
      Fabricante de fuelles
      Constructor de canoas - artes y manualidades
      Reparador de canoas - artes y manualidades
      Fabricante de violonchelo
      Artista de cerámica
      Alfarero de cerámica
      Profesor de cerámica (excepto educación)
      Grabador en placa de cobre - artesano
      Instructor de artesanía (excepto educación)
      Tejedor artesanal
      Artesano de muebles a medida
      Grabador decorativo
      Tambor artesano
      Esmaltador para artes y oficios
      Esmaltista para artes y oficios
      Artesano de la tela
      Artista de la tela
      Diseñador de arreglos florales
      Diseñador floral
      Soplador de vidrio
      Grabador de vidrio

El mercado laboral en Canadá para artesanos y artesanos sigue siendo fuerte y se espera que siga así durante los próximos cinco años. El desempleo de artesanos calificados en Canadá está muy por debajo del promedio.

Un artesano y artesano de nivel inicial con menos de 5 años de experiencia puede esperar ganar un salario promedio de alrededor de $ 72,300 mientras que un artesano y artesano con experiencia de nivel medio puede esperar ganar una compensación total promedio de $ 98,300.

Un artesano experimentado con 10 a 20 años de experiencia puede esperar ganar una compensación total promedio de $ 128,666 y un artesano con experiencia tardía puede esperar ganar una compensación total promedio de$ 378,987.


Artificial Intelligence, AI "QUALITATIVE" and "QUANTITATIVE" content production? "at the service of global employment"?


Quality content to your readers? How? "QUALITATIVE" and "QUANTITATIVE" production of content?

  • ..........
      °The biggest benefit of writing content with AI tools is which makes the writing process very efficient.
      °It allows you to generate content quickly. Furthermore, when there is need to produce more blog posts, AI helps with the scalability.
      °Every human writer suffers writer's block at some point in their life. his career. Since these tools can generate the draft in minutes, at least you have something to work on. A writer is not an expert in all themes.
      °Now, keep in mind that: an AI tool can create drafts on any topic with ease. Using it, you can write quality content on the topic you have a moderate knowledge.
      °°Compared to seasoned and expert writers, these tools are profitable for companies.
  • Blogs and articles. Publications in Social Media Quora answers. Ad copies. of e-mail Video scripts. AI content generation tools? automate research and writing? Now, you can use AI [artificial intelligence] tools
        write an essay
        or blog
        or generate copies
        or for email
        or/and social networks.
        recreate old images,
        remove or add video backgrounds,
        and many other complex things
        first draft, ready to edit

    "Artificial Intelligence" has already begun to experience its magic. Although he still has a long way to go, he "goes green", Plus the AI has experienced significant "improvements/advances"; using the natural Language Processing, computer vision, neural networks, and does not stop experiencing "a more plus"

    There are many text content generation solutions.

    Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, (GPT-3),

    It is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce texts that simulate human writing. It is the third generation of the language prediction models belonging to the GPT¨ series (artificial intelligence research laboratory) The full version of GPT-3 has a capacity of 175 billion machine learning parameters, which exceeds the magnitude of its predecessor, GPT-3 is part of a trend in Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems based on "pre-trained language representations". Prior to the release of GPT-3, the largest language model was Turing NLG with ten times less capacity than GPT-3.

    The quality of the texts generated by GPT-3 is so high that it is difficult to distinguish them from those written by humans, which has generated pointing out the benefits and risks that this entails. The creators warn of potential dangers of GPT-3 while asking for help in mitigating those risks. GPT-3 has been described as "one of the most interesting and important artificial intelligence systems ever created."

    We seek to produce content that "sounds like" human writing. Tools can generate in various "formats"

      °AI tools are most commonly used for writing drafts of long articles.
      °The AI can also help you increase the amount of "action radius" and engaging posts and captions for social accounts.
      °You can also allow AI to generate email copies appealing for marketing purposes to convert subscribers to effective way.
      °AI can also help you successfully generate responses to Quora questions,Only for QUORA?.
      °Since ads play a crucial role in digital marketing, marketers often use AI to generate Ad from Facebook[and more, and to other SM(social networks)] copies and promotable pins.
      °Video scripts. Instead of hiring a person to write scripts from scratch, using AI to write scripts is a better idea.

    ¿Do you see yourself "benefiting" from this technology?

    ....¡to be continue!......

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    WRITTEN FOR, ©: Copyright. 2023 by PASSANTPASSERBY-507


    Quality content to your readers? How?




    when scoring on higher approximate percentages among the most staunch competitors examined. "QUALITATIVE" and "QUANTITATIVE" production of content?


    surpasses ChatGPT in its advanced reasoning capabilities.

    • °The biggest benefit of writing content with AI tools is which makes the writing process very efficient.
      °It allows you to generate content quickly. Furthermore, when there is need to produce more blog posts, AI helps with the scalability.
      °Every human writer suffers writer's block at some point in their life. his career. Since these tools can generate the draft in minutes, at least you have something to work on. A writer is not an expert in all themes.
      °Now, keep in mind that: an AI tool can create drafts on any topic with ease. Using it, you can write quality content on the topic you have a moderate knowledge.
      °Compared to seasoned and expert writers, these tools are profitable for companies. employment!employment? TRUE?


  • Blogs and articles.| Publications in Social Media| Copies of advertisements.| Email Copies.| Video scripts.|

    AI content generation tools: they automate research and writing!

      That its come "like a glove{ring to the finger [literally speaking]}"; for:
        write an essay
        or blog
        or generate copies
        or for email
        or/and social networks.
        recreate old images,
        remove or add video backgrounds,
        and many other complex things
        first draft ready to edit

    GPT-4 is more creative and collaborative than ever. It can generate, edit and iterate with users on technical and creative writing tasks, like composing songs, writing scripts or learning a user's writing style.

    GPT-4 can solve difficult problems more accurately, thanks to their broader general knowledge and abilities to r is solve problems.

      °AI tools are most commonly used for writing drafts of long articles.
      °The AI can also help you increase the amount of "action radius" and engaging posts and captions for social accounts.
      °You can also allow AI to generate email copies appealing for marketing purposes to convert subscribers to effective way.
      °AI can also help you successfully generate responses to Quora questions,Only for QUORA?.
      °Since ads play a crucial role in digital marketing, marketers often use AI to generate Ad from Facebook[and more, and to other SM(social networks)] copies and promotable pins.
      °Video scripts. Instead of hiring a person to write scripts from scratch, using AI to write scripts is a better idea.


    Do you see yourself "benefiting" from this technology?

    ......Genesis is followed by EXODUS!......

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    |insight by DDORAZEL

    WRITTEN FOR, ©: Copyright. 2023 by PASSANTPASSERBY-507

    Covert-Letter and CV by Emploiment


    How to writing a good cover letter?

    Your cover letter provides prospective employers with their first impression of you. Everyone who sends a résumé should submit it with a cover letter. Not mandatory, your cover letter is the ideal tool to display how you meet the qualifications of the specific job you are applying to.

  • A cover letter allows you to:
      • Supplement the information included in your résumé.
      • Emphasize the knowledge and skills you have in relation to the qualifications of the position.
      • Convey in a narrative format what unique qualities you can bring to the position.
      • Enhance your résumé by adding a more personal touch to the package.
  • When considering the ideal length of your cover letter, the length and content should be appropriate for the position to which you are applying. Aim for a cover letter that is one to two page(s) in length.

  • To help you write a cover letter, consider the following tips:

      1. Be concise.

      The ideal length for a cover letter is between one to two page(s). Be sure to emphasize the Job ID and position you are applying for as well as your key skills and accomplishments that fit the role.

        • Avoid repeating information.
        • Avoid including irrelevant information, remember your cover letter is a career marketing tool, not an autobiography.
        • Edit unnecessary words.

        2. Tailor your cover letter to the qualifications of the job advertisement.
          • Focus on the duties that are relevant to the position you are applying for.
          • Focus on your most recent experience and accomplishments.

        Write your cover letter in your own words so that it sounds like you and not like something out of a book.

          • Avoid directly copying material from the job description and placing it in your cover letter.

        Proofread your cover letter to ensure there are no spelling, typing or grammaticalerrors.


        Show that you know something about the ministry or the organization.

          • This is where your research comes in. Briefly demonstrate why you match the skills and knowledge that they are looking for and what value you can bring to the organization
    1. What’s in a good cover letter?

      The header:

    2. Your header should include the following information:
        • Your full name
        • Your address
        • Your e-mail address(es)
        • All your telephone numbers (work, home and cell)

      Including current contact information will make it easier for Recruitment Services staff to contact you if you are selected for an interview.

      Addressing your cover letter:

      As recruitment can be centralized[procces automatic], there is no need to personalize the cover letter with

        "the hiring manager’s name".
        Addressing the letter to
          “The Hiring Manager”
          “To Whom it May Concern” is sufficient.

        Make sure to put the current date on your cover letter above the address.

        The subjectline:
        It is a good practice to reference the file number (Job ID) and job title. It is also a good practice to include the name of the ministry in the subject line as well.

        Opening paragraph:
          • This is the introductory section of your cover letter.
          • The objective is to get the reader’s attention immediately.
          • Briefly identify what you have to offer the organization.
          • Identify the main reason why you would be the ideal candidate for the position.


        Some employers may want additional information in your cover letter such as outlining how you learned about the job opening and why you are interested in the position.

      1. Explain particular benefits you offer in relation to the required qualifications.
          • Emphasize your relevant skills, competencies, experience and knowledge.
          • Cite specific and relevant experiences or examples where you gained and demonstrated those skills, knowledge, abilities and accomplishments.
          • If you have a particular area of expertise, or an educational background that has helped you gain relevant qualifications, outline this in your cover letter.
          • You may wish to highlight some transferable skills, such as problem-solving or organizational skills.
          • List any required certifications (i.e. valid driver’s license) that you have that relate to the qualifications.
      2. The closing paragraph:
        Before concluding your letter, explain in one sentence how you can add value to the organization. Also state the best method for them to contact you and thank the hiring manager in advance for considering you for the position.

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      3. How to write a Good Resume? Your resume is your opportunity to present your:
          skills, and
      4. Remember, you'll want to make sure your the resume is:
          of course, and
        Not to exceed five pages.
      5. When taking into account the ideal length of your resume, the length and content must be appropriate for the position you are applying for. Aim for a two to three page resume.

        How to do it right?

          1. Be concise
            • Your resume should be a concise and factual presentation of your accomplishments, strengths, work history and education.
            • Avoid repeating information that has been included in your cover letter.
            • Edit unnecessary words.
          2. Tailor your resume to the qualifications outlined in the job ad
            • Emphasize your most significant skills and experience in well-defined sections.
            • Avoid adding other details and facts that may be irrelevant to the position you hold. request. This will take up valuable space or take attention away from what you want to highlight.
            • Do not include personal information (such as date of birth, social security) Number).
          3. Review your resume to make sure there are no spelling, typographical, or grammatical errors.
            • If you need a little help with grammar, check out Elements of Style by Strunk & White [].
            • A good place to start is "Chapter 5: Commonly Misused Words and Expressions."

      6. Chronological resumes are the most common resumes. So; work experience is listed with the most current information first and then in descending order of dates of employment. There are other styles, for example, functional resume, to better represent your skills and qualifications. Chronological resumes include four main sections:
          1. Current name and contact information.
          2. Summary of qualifications/achievements.
            • This is a snapshot of your key skills and achievements that can be checked against your work experiences This information can also be presented in a profile.
          3. Work history described with roles, knowledge, and accomplishments key.
            • This information is listed by work experience, with most recent experience first, along with the names and locations of the companies.
          4. Further education and/or development/training (i.e., development professional courses).
      7. What do we find in a good resume? First: Know yourself; do a pre-application self-assessment The key to a safe and focused application is knowing:

          • Who are you? or what do you like to do? or what do you do well?
          • What skills, knowledge and experience do you have? to offer the new employer? - What are you good at? -What are your transferable skills?
          • What makes you "the ideal" for the position and the organization. -What value will you add to the organization? - What kind of people do you want to work with or have as clients? By asking yourself these questions, you can begin to develop an "inventory" of skills, experiences, accomplishments, and job-related attributes you can use to promote you. It is important that you look at yourself in the position for which you are applying; and reflect on how your experiences and skills have prepared you for work in that environment.

        As you prepare consider:

          • Any relevant past experience you would like to highlight and what that experience has taught you.
          • How did you get the skills you now have? and information on any transfer of skills.
          • Your past performance. Talk to your manager and coworkers about your work and the results to help you in this exercise.

        As you think about your past experiences, write them down. This self-assessment can be modified for multiple job postings and will help you update your achievements for each position you apply for. This will help ensure that the information remains relevant.

        Finally, get creative in your own format.

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